Top tips to better understand the accessibility needs and solutions of your audience

Why consider accessibility?

Without accessibility, a significant proportion of your audience will not be able to read or to understand your materials.

Accessibility is particularly important for people who:

  • aren’t familiar with digital formats
  • speak English as a second language
  • have a disability (~16% of people worldwide).

By tailoring materials to accommodate these individuals, you can help to improve the accessibility of health information.

How can you better understand the accessibility needs and solutions of your audience?

Here are five tips!

  1. Make accessibility part of your organization’s culture.

  2. Simplify the language you use.

  3. Provide multiple formats for people to access.

  4. Train communicators and educate your peers on disability awareness.

  5. Seek community feedback to help guide improvements to enhance accessibility.
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Read our full article for more information and guidance on accessibility.

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