Accuracy of article tagging across major biomedical databases: a pilot study

01 March 2023

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To find information about medicine, people search databases that contain articles related to the topic. Many literature databases tag articles to help to categorize the type of publication. This helps users to access relevant information more easily.  

For example, if someone is looking for a report about a clinical trial or a review to get a high-level understanding of a new area, they need to be able to find the right article quickly and easily; they don’t want to scroll through long lists of articles that may be unhelpful. 

In this study, we looked at how accurate article tagging was in five major biomedical databases. We found that the PubMed database provided the most helpful and accurate tagging, meaning that it may be easier to find the right type of article in PubMed than in other databases.  

This is important because it helps researchers, doctors and patients to find the right articles to read when they are doing research or trying to find out more about a certain topic, so that they can make the best decisions. 

To find out more about the study you can access the poster here.