Champion sponsor of the Annual Meeting
Welcome to our overnight report
We are excited to hear what the first ever virtual Annual Meeting of ISMPP will bring, and we will be capturing our thoughts on the key sessions right here. We know that rapid insights matter, so we will be posting each day’s insights right before the sessions the next day. And because we know your time is precious, we will capture each day in a speedy 5-minute read. So, grab a coffee and enjoy!
Day 1
Keynote: 2020 and beyond: How the “open” research paradigm will impact the next generation research
For the Present Purpose: Using Medical Rhetoric to Enhance Scientific Communication in an Open World
Editor’s panel: I’m an Editor – Ask Me Anything!
Evolving the process and extending the reach of scientific platforms
Individualizing communications: from concept to impact
Day 2
Keynote: Don’t be such a scientist: talking substance in an age of style
Poster 2.0: Creating better research posters
Patient involvement in medical communications: a live how-to guide
Advancing health literacy in clinical research: clear communications for every participant
Thinking beyond the ordinary: optimizing medical communications for rare diseases
Day 3
Keynote: How to write a scientific masterpiece in 2020
Synergizing scientific transparency: a crash course from National Academy of Sciences discussions
How do you do that? An interactive panel discussion on hot topics in medical communications
Best practices in aligning publication content and strategic planning with Medical Information Services and Medical Science Liaison (MSL) groups
ISMPP and Open Science – a perspective from Oxford PharmaGenesis